Monday, 5 December 2016

A Woman In Gold

Klimt colours carpet the earth,
And the season clothes
Her mother in gold.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Autumn Fall

Like discarded clothing
Leaves gather in piles.
Naked trees stand, shivering.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Birth of Day

A new day hatches
With fire at her seams.
Stain of yolk spreads and rises.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Heavy Clouds

Heavy clouds unlock
Liquidating their assets,
Envelveting green.

Country Lanes

Driving country lanes,
Gloved in evening gold,
Nature's beauty to behold


Childhood's ticking clock;
Now I see the man
I am proud to call my son.

Family ties

Strongest family ties:
Silhouettes standing bravely
Against bitter skies.

A Labour of Love

The planting of bulbs:
A labour of love.
A memory in tulips.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

All that jazz

Take a walk on the wild side
Swing while you're singing:
Syncopated joy.

A sun kissed prayer

A sun kissed prayer stands
Strong arms held aloft
Exhaulting 'Hallelujah!'

Just a minute

Find a vibe, find a minute
Time to call your own,
Somewhere you’re at home;
In a park or in a book,

Just make sure that you’re in it.

Life's in the detail

Life's in the detail.
Fill the cracks with love
And the landscape will stay sound.

Sunday, 21 August 2016


Make a nest of grace,
Feather it with down:
Find contentment in your heart.


Lavender beetle,
Metallic beauty,
Spread your wings and fly away.


Look here friend. What do you say?
Footprints in the sand
Showing us the way?

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty:
Stretch of earth and sand and sky
Refreshing the soul.

Friday, 12 August 2016


Penitent flock kneel.
Abundant blessings given.
With thanks bleet to God!

Monday, 25 July 2016

Pastel Shades

Sunrise splits the night.
Mellow pastel shades:
A trick of the morning light?

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Holiday ER

Quick, call the crash team.
Suitcase: bleeding out.
Stat: washing machine! 

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Ghost of a dog

Woman walks with ghost of dog.
Invisible sticks
Cannot be retrieved.


Holidays begin.
Golden light and honeyed air:
A balm to the soul.


Scribble of currents
Like a giant's doodle pad
Cover a calm sea.


Spindly spiders
Disturbed by frantic cleaning
Run like tumbleweed.

Saturday, 2 July 2016


Hypnotic voice urges: "Home".
A swell of longing.
Siren call the sea

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Political Parry

Referendums, bombs;
its all too political.
Where is the escape?

Hate is breeding hate.
A spreading virus
With no inoculation.

Find a band-aid big enough
before it's too late:
Embrace all cultures.

Find the common ground,
Buried among all the lies:
A kernel of peace.

Love your brothers near and far,
Laugh with your sisters;
We are all alike.

Our time is short here
But what we leave behind us
Is our legacy.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016


Honeysuckle scent
Trapped in woodland glade.
Oh, to be a honey bee!

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Bookshelf Brotherhood

Books along the shelf,
Back to back they stand.
All for one and one for all.


Roll me in mud or
Roll me in clover
The feeling is just the same.

Saturday, 25 June 2016


Nature's tattoo blooms
Changing colour tone
Alien blue green.

Friday, 24 June 2016


All change. Mind the gap.
A perilous leap of faith
Reveals new challenge.

Monday, 20 June 2016


Emotional day
Is it the humidity?
Relief in cloud burst.

Earn Your Place

Where do you belong?
Have you earned your place
As part of the human race?

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Getting Busy

Birds and bees do it.
And all of the Ugly bugs
So sing hey nonny nonny!

(There's a lot goes on a peony leaf!)

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Am Dram

Confidence exudes
As the play begins.
Thespians command the hour.

History Lesson

History repeats.
The facts are made clear:
You must learn from your mistakes.


Cathartic clearance:
Rubbish removal
Making a new space to breathe.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016


The pollen count's high
Dusting the meadow
In plumes of drifting yellow

Donner und Blitzen

Resounding rumble
Electric yellow sky-flash
Summer storms arrive.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

After a blessing of rain:
Uncut diamonds
Fresh opals of dew.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Have Courage

With a leap of faith
He found contentment
Waiting for him in plain sight.

Monday, 23 May 2016


Petrichor perfume
Fills the evening air.
Birdsong floats away our cares.

Saturday, 21 May 2016


Nice weather for ducks;
It's coming down in stair-rods;
Raining cats and dogs.

An English Affair ( Tanka)

An English affair:
Tea in a marquee.
You simply have to be there!
(Never mind the persistent rain
Let's have a walk down the lane.)


Wisteria weeps
From the eyes of history
Surveying the land.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016


Genteel Summer game:
Willow thwack on wood

Polite applause dressed in white.

Sunday, 15 May 2016


Honeymooning ducks
Hide among the reeds
Grabbing a stolen moment.

Saturday, 14 May 2016


Carpet of blossom
Falls in the orchard, drifting.
Unseasonal snow.

The Green Man

Galloping approach,
Sap rises through the woodland:
The Green man cometh.

Killims and Crochet

Killims and crochet,
Warm quilts and sheepskin,
Comforting home from sweet home

(photograph by kind permission of J Durrand)


Blossom backlit blue:
A treasure for bees
Fit for more than forty thieves.

Marshmallow Tree

A good day begins:
First lovely I see,
"Good Morning Marshmallow tree.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Morning Meadow

In a meadow framed by trees
Horses stand and doze
In the morning breeze.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Garden Tmesis

Broken down again;

Wheel-barrow puncture.
Lurching like a hopeless drunk.

Poking through the gaps
Laughing at the weedkiller.

And ant-friggin'-hills
Central to the lawn
Their own cityscape on stripes.

A gardener's frustrations
Are beyond compare
As they tear out hair!

Monday, 25 April 2016


Jitter above the ocean surf
Coming in to land
Turnstones petrify.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Eider down

Band of Guillemots
Rolls with the tide sway
Hunkered down in Eider ducks.


Shelter in the dunes
Hiding from the wind
In spiky marram grass tufts.

Couched Potatoes

Among the boulders
Seals lounge like couched potatoes
Washed up on the shore.

Fallen angel

A fallen angel
Tumbled in transgressions
Beats her wings on earth.

Praise him

S'allah! Sing your joy!
Praise God for the day
So wondrous to behold.


Scribbles in the sand
Crustacean calligraphy
Scrawled in tidal sands

Tuesday, 5 April 2016


Six hours together!
Precious gift, unbroken sleep.
Rise refreshed, revived.

Sunday, 3 April 2016


Hem of roman walls
Hold fast York, medieval town,
Capitol of old.

Steel winged scavengers

Steel winged scavengers
Lit silver in late sunshine,
Follow the furrow.


One green eye one blue,
Read my palms anew,
Tell futures I cannot see.

Drake and Duck-chess

Drake follows duck-chess:
"My Love,Wife of one season,
Love me in reed beds."


Daffodil ribbons
March along the road in frills
Showing us the way.

Saturday, 26 March 2016


The cam'ra around my neck:
Purpose; art; desire.


Come adrift in dreams,
Float on a tide of spices.
Giants sing your song.


The seagulls beckon.
Swallows write your mysteries
Onto the heavens.


Candlelight supper,
Delectable dish.
Divine dance of the senses.


A different lens
Perspective renewed,
Memories rendered afresh.


Bowing down to double stops
Cello strings vibrate
In sonorous chords

Saturday, 12 March 2016


Crossword conundrum,
A black and white confusion:
Words trapped in a maze.


Stilled roadkill victim.
His brief bristle and bluster
Humbled by humans.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Sherbet Blush

Blushing sherbet blooms
Gather together,
Whispering tender secrets.

Plagiarised Fairytale

Once upon a time
Damsel in distress
Lived happy ever after.


Braving wilderness,
Her green heart hopeful,
She knows the love of springtime.

Held Safe

Tears in a teacup
Held safe by friendship;
Saucer of sincerity

Be Kind

Colour life's lens with
Courage and kindness:
Forgive yourself imperfections.


Edging from the nest,
Independence beckons them.
Fledglings try your wings.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Writers Block

The scream of silence
Whistles through my brain.
Words escape into nothing.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Deep breath

Take a long slow breath.
Bottoms up! Dig Deep.
Who knows what treasure you'll find?


Ask me a question
I'll tell you no lies.
Look into my clear black eye.


Springtime squalling air.
Blossoms flung like confetti
Tumble to the ground.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Winter's Death

Lay the frosted shroud
Winter is about to pass:
She diminishes.

Early Night

Mother nature's early night:
Pink pyjama stripes
Cross a pastel sky.

A Nightingale Sings

Let me count the ways.
Three hundred love songs:
A nightingale's repertoire.

Thursday, 11 February 2016


Emerging crocus
Spread your delicate petals,
Flaunt your saffron heart.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Cat Nap

Lovely ginger cat
In her fav'rite bivouac
Naps away the day

The Wedding Party

The wedding party,
Gathered folds of pride,
Congratulate the couple.


Mistletoe pompoms
Dangle out of reach,
Mocking a lover's desire.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Indian Wedding

The wedding party,
Gathered folds of pride,
Congratulate the couple.

Friday, 29 January 2016


Grief is an armadillo:
Tough plated armour
Shields tender feeling.


Fallen Crab apples,
Blackbird's treasure hoard,
Scents the air; fermented, sweet.


Like varicose veins
Knotted around limbs
You sap your generous host


The dip dabble ducks
Flirt with their feathers
Maintaining pecking order.

Thursday, 28 January 2016


Marmalade dreaming
Sticky and steaming.
Occluded jars stand cooling.

Thursday, 21 January 2016


My world's a snow globe,
Earth dusted to white.
Virgin blanket waits to bite.


Daily gifts are given,
Sandwiched between earth and sky.
Blessed are those who see.

Frosty Morning Walk

Frosty morning walk.
A drop forms beneath my nose.
Condensed air, or worse?


Horizon blushes,
Shell pink shading up,
Excitement for the new day.

Frozen Porridge

Under foot lies mud,
stirred frozen porridge.
Concrete hard, hidden 'neath leaves.
March on my sure-footed boot;
Sounds satisfy. Cornflake crunch.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Baked Apples

 Brown sugar apples baking;
My Granny's apples.
Always in my heart.

Friday, 8 January 2016


Tooled leather binding
Soft treasure in hand,
A weight of wonder in words.


Mist, drizzle, spitting,
Pouring, cat's and dogs,
And coming down in stair rods.


Uneven billows,
Wind fills the curtain:
Sails on a ship run aground.

My Geography

Trail the mountain peak,
Source the river deep,
Explore my geography....

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Parade day

Festival Parade:
Drums like beer bellies
Feather Dusters on your caps.

A New Year

Waiting for the sun.
Fog of possibilities.
What will be revealed?